IFSC Code Finder
Canara Bank has over 6639 branches across the country. Knowing the Canara Bank IFSC code is mandatory to perform any wired transaction. The Canara Bank IFSC code enables you to transfer funds online/offline to any Canara Bank branch across the country. Whenever you fill out a form for RTGS/NEFT/IMPS, you will be asked to provide the IFSC code of the payee bank. However, your transaction will not be processed if you fail to enter the code. Only if you are transferring an amount to the same branch, you won't have to enter the IFSC code. Wondering what an IFSC code is and where can you find the Canara Bank IFSC code? Here is all that you must know.
IFSC is the acronym for Indian Financial System Code. The RBI provides an 11-digit alphanumeric code to every bank branch. It helps in the pinpointing branches participating in any fund transfers. IFSC contributed majorly to simplifying online banking and making it a secure fund transfer platform. It enables the Reserve Bank of India to keep a track of the beginning and end of a fund transfer.
Every branch of every bank has a unique IFSC code. So, each branch of Canara Bank has its own IFSC. The initial four characters of the IFSC code for branches of the same bank will be the same as they represent the bank name. For instance, the Canara Bank IFSC code starts with CNRB representing Canara Bank. You can find the code for your branch on the first page of your passbook and cheque book.
H2 - How to transfer funds using Canara Bank IFSC Code?
IFSC streamlines fund transfers by recognising the bank branch of the sender and receiver. The RBI has enlisted the following modes for money transfer. You can choose any of the following modes according to your utility.
NEFT is the acronym for National Electronic Fund Transfer. |
RTGS stands for Real-Time Gross Settlement |
IMPS is the short form for Immediate Payment system |
This fund transfer system works on a Deferred Net Settlement Basis. |
A payment system that favours fund processing in real-time. |
The most simplified money transfer system that helps in instant transfers. |
NEFT operates 24*. It is available even on bank holidays. |
RTGS is possible on specific operational windows set by a bank. |
It is a customer-driven platform. It can be used 24*7. |
The minimum value is ₹1. |
The minimum amount to be remitted via RTGS is ₹ 2,00,000/- |
The minimum value is ₹1. |
It is applicable both online and offline. |
It is applicable both online and offline. |
It is only applicable online. |
No upper limit |
No upper limit |
Upper limit- ₹ 2,00,000/- |
The settlement is on a half-hourly basis. |
Real-time transfer |
Real-time transfer |
H3 - Conclusion
The Canara Bank IFSC code is important for transactions. You can find your branch IFSC code printed on your cheque book or bank passbook. You can also navigate the official website of Canara bank to find the IFSC code of various branches, or you simply search the internet for branch IFSC codes.
H3 - FAQs
1 - How can the nearest Canara Bank Branch be located from IFSC Code?
The first four characters in Canara Bank IFSC represent the bank name, while the last six stand for the branch. The fifth character will always be zero for all IFSC codes, irrespective of the bank and branch.
Canara Bank |
Canara Bank Branch |
C |
N |
R |
B |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
4 |
9 |
0 |
In the above example, the Canara Bank IFSC Code Korba, Chandigarh, is CNRB0002490. Here, 'CNRB' stands for Canara Bank, i.e., the bank name, and '002490' stands for the 'Branch Code' of the Korba Branch.
2 - How to search Canara Bank IFSC Code using the account number?
If you are a Canara Bank account holder, you can find your IFSC code as follows:
The first four characters of your IFSC code will be CNRB.
The fifth will be zero.
Also, the first four digits of your account number represent the branch code (Canara bank branch where the account is held). Thus, these digits will be the last four digits of your IFSC code.
3 - What is the customer care number of Canara Bank?
The toll-free customer care number of Canara bank is 1800 425 0018. The number is available 24x7. The bank has a dedicated team to attend to customers' calls and resolve banking-related issues.
4 - What are the first four characters of Canara Bank IFSC?
The first four characters of the Canara Bank IFSC code will be CNRB. It is the abbreviation for the bank name.
5 - What are the available modes of funds transfer for online banking?
You can transfer funds online via RBI-approved modes, including RTGS, NEFT, and IMPS. IMPS come with Rs. 2 lakh upper limit, whereas NEFT and RTGS do not.